
Ludwig Streit

Dr.phil., Dr.h.c. Ludwig Streit is retired professor at the universities of Bielefeld (Germany) and Madeira (Portugal).

He studied mathematics in Goettingen, and theoretical physics in Hamburg and Graz where he obtained his PhD in physics.  After two years at the ETH Zurich he held positions at Syracuse University and Bell Laboratories in the US, and later at the Universidade do Minho, Portugal. Presently he teaches and advises MSc and PhD students at MSU-IIT in the Philippines.

His published research is in quantum field theory, few body physics and in stochastic and infinite dimensional analysis, and most recently in polymer physics. He was instrumental in the creation of White Noise Analysis as a new mathematical branch, of infinite dimensional and stochastic analysis.

He has served on editorial boards of various journals in mathematics and physics, and in international organizations such as the International Union of  Pure and Applied Physics, and  the International Association of Mathematical Physics. In Austria he was Speaker of the Scientific Advisory Board for the now Innovation Systems unit of the Austrian Institute of Technology. He has been engaged in the creation and direction of research institutes in Germany, Portugal, Japan, and the Philippines.

His scientific and science management contributions were recognized by the University of Graz, Austria. (“Honorarprofessor)”, the Portuguese Minister of Science (“Louvor”), the  MSU-IIT University in the Philippines (“Honorary Professor”), the Universidade da Madeira (“Dr.h.c.”), and the Portuguese Academy of Science (“Foreign Corresponding Member”).